
FLUKE 5700A5720A系列多功能校准器用户手册.pdf

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® 5700A/5720AII系列 多功能校准器用户手册 PN 601622 May 1996 1996年5月 © 1998 福禄克公司, 所有权利保留。美国印刷 所有产品名称都为各自公司的商标. TIANJIN GOODJEE 022 LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Each Fluke product is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is one year and begins on the date of shipment. Parts, product repairs, and services are warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Fluke authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses, disposable batteries, or to any product which, in Flukes opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected, contaminated, or damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or operate without interruption. Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available only if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country. Flukes warranty obligation is limited, at Flukes option, to refund of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective product which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty period. To obtain warranty service, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to o


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