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1 Introduction 2 Spectrum theory 3 Spectroscopy instruments 4 UV-Vis spectrum 5 Fluorescence spectrum 6 Infrared and Raman spectrum 7 Near infrared spectrum 8 Image spectrum technique 9 Laser spectroscopy Spectrum theory spectrum instruments Conventional spectroscopy Laser spectroscopy 1J  6.24150 1018eV 34 h 6.62607 10 J s Absorption spectrum Emission spectrum (Monochromatic light) #Fluorescence (emission from excited electronic singlet states) # Phosphorescence (emission from excited electronic triplet states) Blue light has a shorter wavelength and is scattered more than red light so the sky appears blue. As the light from the sun travels through more atmosphere more of the colours of light are scattered and the sun appears red. 第二章 Electrons, protons, and neutrons are not little particles but they have particle and wave properties like light. 主量子数 n (principal quantum number) 角量子数 L (orbital angular momentum quantum number) l =0 、 1、 2 、 3… (n-1) L 意义: 决定了同一电子层中不同的亚层(能级)。 (1) 决定原子轨道和电子云的形状;(2)在多电子原子中配合n 一起决定电子的能量。 磁量子数 m (magnetic quantum number) 受l 限制,可取包括0 、±1 、±2 、 ±3 ……直至±l ,共2l+1 个数值。 m 意义:决定原子轨道和电子云在空间的伸展方向。 自旋量子数 s (spin angular momentum quantum number) Photoionization (光致电离) A high‐energy photon can remove an electron from an atom. If atoms are densely crowded, energy levels are perturbed by neighboring charges random shifts of energy levels random shifts of photon energies broadening of spectral lines Solids, liquids, and very dense gases emit continuous spectra 分子光谱的特点:带光谱、谱带组,光谱的特点反映了分子的三种运动 : (1) 电子运动 与原子中电子的束缚能相近,跃迁时发出 可见光、紫外光 (2) 分子转动 光谱波长: 量级,远红外区 (3) 分子振动 光谱波长是 量级,近红外区 WAVE PARTICLE DUALITY light interact with matter :Reflected (反射),Transmitted (透射),Absorbed (吸收),Refracted (折射) various possible types of spectra Absorption ;Reflection ;Transmission ;Emission Emission Absorption 包括一般吸收和选择性吸收 一般吸收,吸收强


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