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CP-3380 CP-3800 Features Local User Interface (LUI) Large Screen Easy To Read Intuitive Stand-alone Operation Complete Local Control 3800 硬件特色 加热区 柱箱 进样口 电子流量控制 检测器 控制系统 自动进样器 用户解决方案 加 热 区 包括柱箱在内共有7个加热区 所有加热区最高可升温至450℃ 检测器具有单独的加热炉 4 个低温区 改良的低温阀设计 3个进样口+ 3 个检测器 柱 箱 大柱箱(14.896升)-可同时装3根150m的毛细管柱 快速升温 (50 to 400 in 7.5 minutes) 快速降温 (400 to 50 in 4.5 minutes) 低温选项 (LN2 or LCO2) 柱箱可设7阶温度程序 CP-3800 Features CP-3800 Features Large Valve Oven Heated Up to 6 Valves No 8200 A/S Allowed Single/Dual Valve Oven Heated/Unheated Valve Control Manual Automatic Diaphragm Valves Special Purged Star Valve Control EFC-电子流量控制 多种类型的进样口EFC 分流比的控制(1:10000) 压力显示可采用 psi/bar/kPa 1079 可自动恒流工作 针对气体进样阀和复杂气路的EFC 容易接近的气路 检测器专用的EFC CP-3800 Features Pneumatics Spacious Compartment Field Upgrades Service Color Coded Peek Easy Identification Star EFC Control Star EFC Control 阀系统EFC面临的问题 流量和阻力的改变 切换阀增加了新的元件 加热捕集或第二根柱子改变了阻力 EFC必须提供快速响应但要实现平稳控制 阀切换的可编程总流量控制 流量编程: 阀切换后基线的快速恢复 Star Interactive Graphics Star Quick Start 进 样 器 1079 通用毛细管进样器(具5种进样方式) 快速降温 (250 to 50 in 1 minute, LCO2) 1177高性能分流/无分流进样器 1041柱头和1061闪蒸填充柱和大口径毛细 管柱进样器 填充柱适配器选项 可同时安装3个进样器 1177 Split/Splitless Injector Star Injector Control The CP-8400 AutoSamplerc The CP-8410 AutoSampler The 3800 has seven heated zones: the column oven and six additional zones. All heated zones have an upper temperature range of 450oC. The six available zones are numbered 1 through 6. Zones 1 through 3 are normally reserved for injectors and zones 4 through 6 reserved for detectors. Options are identified by location and typically labeled 揊ront? 揗iddle?or 揜ear? All injectors and detectors have their own individual ovens - there are no dual or triple injector or detector ovens. The exception is heated valves - the single valve / single injector (1041 or 1061) and dual valve ovens are available. Zones 1 - 6 have 200 Watts of available power. The column oven and zones 1 - 3 can be temperature programmed and have cryogenic capability (LN2 or L