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33 1 ( ) V ol 33 N o1 2008 2 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 2008 钱晓凡, 董可平 ( , 650051) : 通过对菲涅尔基元全息图的分析, 阐述了全息放大的基本原理和实现全息放大的 3种方 法, 讨论了同 菲涅尔全息下全息再现像相位的特点, 提出了重构细胞相位的算法 设计了用同 菲涅尔全息观察检测细胞的系统, 并以新鲜洋葱表皮细胞为样本, 完成了实验检测和相位重 构, 得到了细胞的全息放大再现像, 计算了细胞的相位 分析表明理论上系统的分辨率约 16 m : 信息光学; 菲涅尔全息; 全息放大; 细胞检测; 相位重构 : O436 1 : A : 1007- 855X ( 2008) 01- 0 108- 06 In - L ine Fresne l D ig ital H o logram Study o f C ells Q IAN X iaofan, DONG K ep ing ( F aculty o f Science, K unm ing U niversity of Science and T echno logy, Kunm ing 650051, Ch ina) Abs tract: Based on the theoret ic analysis of F resne l e lem en tary hologram, the principle and three kinds o f ho lo graph ic m agnification m ethods are expat iated The ph ase ch aracteristic of in - line F resnel ho logram is d is cu ssed, and the algorithm about phase reconstru ct ion put fo rw ard A dev ice of in - line F resnel d ig ital ho logra phy is then introdu ced to exam ine and m easure ce lls Through m easuring and ph ase reconstru cting of fresh on ion cells, m agn ified ho lograph ic recon stru ction mi ages and phase o f cells are obta ined It is po inted out that the theo ret ic reso lution of the introdu ced system is about 16 m K ey words: inform ation opt ics; F resne l dig ita l ho logram; ho lographic m agn ification; cells m easurem ent; ph ase recon stru ction 0 , CCD , , , , , [ 1 - 5] , [ 6, 7 ] , , , , , , , , , , , , , ( 16 m ) , 1 [ 7, 8] 1 ( 1( a) ) ( 1( b) ) (x, y ), : 2007 - 06- 14 : ( : 03Y 225A


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