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焦化专用球阀— 自1983年以来 为炼油行业技术进步做出巨大贡献 全球最大口径的四通阀 为VELAN公司所独有 中国目前已装机三套 DN14 inch四通阀 克拉玛依石化 南京扬子石化 南京金陵石化 14” 四通阀 VELAN HISTORY • Velan was founded in 1950 • We manufacture in 12 plants worldwide • Our current work force is in excess of 1475 employees • We manufacture Cast and Forged Steel Ball, Gate, Globe and Check valves in sizes 1/4 – 48” • Velan is an ISO 9001 accredited company – It is approved by ASME to design and manufacture to NCA 4000 under their Nuclear program – TUV for design and manufacture to the German pressure vessel code TRB 801, No. 45 • Velan has maintained a technical group completely dedicated to Coker Valve technology for the past 20 years VELAN DELAYED COKER INSTALLATIONS WORLDWIDE • Velan Coker ball valves are installed in 75 Delayed Cokers Worldwide. • Over 110 four-way Switch valves in service (sizes 6 - 14“, class 300, 600, 900). • Over 550 isolation valves in these applications: – Inlet transfer lines Heater isolation – Overhead Vapor and Blowdown. – Quench and Drain, Backpressure Control. – (Sizes 6 -30“, class 300, 600, 900.) • We have installed over 200 Logic Control Panels to insure safety in Switch and ancillary valve control. COKER BALL VALVE TECHNOLOGY CURRENT COKER VALVE RANGE • 6 –14” Switch Valve class 300/600/900 • 4 –30” Isolation Valve class 300/600/900


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