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PAGE PAGE 1 八年级英语仁爱版下Unit5Topic2预习导纲 虎峰中学 唐瓶峰 SectionA 一、学习内容: 1.当考试成绩不理想时,通常我们都会有怎样的情绪反应呢? 2.Li Hong是这儿新来的学生,性格内向、怕羞,又遇到英语考试不及格,对此她有怎样的情绪反应?同伴Hellen和她的老师给予她怎样的关心? 二、学习要求: 1.必会单词与词组 strict shy send be strict with sb be worried about have a talk with sb do badly in take it easy 2.必会的句子 Anything wrong? What seems to be the problem? She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 三、学习过程: 1.听1a, 跟读并模仿语音语调。. 2.自由读1a,找出词组、句型以及because 引导的原因状语从句,并总结其用法. 3.完成1b. 4. 完成2: 先理解方框内的短语,然后根据2的图片和所给的词模仿图1例句运用because引导的原因状语从句造句,完成其它5幅图片. 5. 自由读3,理解内容,并猜测所填单词,然后听录音,试填空 四、课堂精练:比一比,谁掌握的最好! 根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。 The girl didn’t pass the English e________. The little boy is always very____________(害羞的) Michel is ill and his mother is very __________ about his health.(焦虑的) He did b______in the English exam.He felt sad. She is a good girl.She is always s______with herself on study. 单项选择。 ( )1.Kate did badly____the English exam this time. A. at B. in C. to D.on ( ) 2.We mustn’t buy this kind of books______there is some wrong knowledge in them. A.because B. and C. but D. because of ( )3.Don’t tell us________,please. A.unhappy something B. something unhappy C.unhappy anything D.anything unhappy ( )4.--You looked so worried,Why? --My mother was ill in hospital. --________________________ A.I’m sorry to hear that. B. I’m happy to hear that. C.Thank for telling me that. ( )5.If you have no friends ________,you’ll feel lonely. A.talk B. to talk C.talk about D. to talk with (  )6.He seemed_______the secret (秘密) A.that known B. that the known C. to know D. knowing ( ) 7.Is there ___wrong with you? A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything ( ) 8.I think you should have ______your parents. A.talk with B. talks with C. a talk with ( )9.Is your grandma worried _____her


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