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2013 年诺贝尔物理学奖专题 探索上帝粒子与质量起源 2013 -12 -26 收到 † email :hjhe@tsinghua.edu.cn † 何红建 邝宇平 DOI:10.7693/w (清华大学 近代物理研究所 高能物理研究中心 北京 100084) God particle and origin of mass HE Hong-Jian† KUANG Yu-Ping (Institute of Modern Physics ,Center for High Energy Physics ,Tsinghua University , Beijing 100084,China) 摘 要 欧洲大型强子对撞机(LHC) 上发现的125 GeV 新希格斯粒子可能成为标准模 型预期的 “上帝粒子”。这一革命性发现开启了探索宇宙中一切基本粒子质量起源的新时 代,成为21 世纪粒子物理学的转折点。文章着重介绍:(1) 探寻上帝粒子的重大科学意义; (2) 探索质量起源的历史,以及为什么牛顿力学和爱因斯坦相对论均未解决质量起源问题; (3) 神秘的真空与希格斯机制;(4) 上帝粒子是如何提出的和怎样在LHC 上发现的;(5) 展望 21 世纪质量起源的探索与新物理定律的革命。 关键词 上帝粒子,质量起源,对称性破缺与希格斯机制,LHC,高能对撞机, 新物理探测,暗物质 Abstract The new Higgs boson discovered at the CERN LHC could be the God particle expected from the standard model. This revolutionary discovery opens up a new era of exploring the origin of masses for all elementary particles in the universe. It becomes a turning point of the particle physics in 21th century. This article presents the following: (1) Scientific importance of searching and testing the God particle(s); (2) The history of studying the origin of mass, and why Newton mechanics and Einstein relativity could not resolve the origin of mass; (3) The mysterious vacuum and the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking; (4) How the God particle was in- vented and how the LHC might have discovered it; (5) The perspective of seeking the origin of mass and new physics laws. Keywords God particle, origin of mass, symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism, LHC, high ener


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