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29 1 Vol129,No11 2003 1 ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA Jan. , 2003 1) 孟晓桥 胡占义 ( 100080) ( E-mail : {m ngxq, huzy} @ nlpr. ia. ac. cn) , . , , . , ; . , , , ( ) TP391 Recent Progress in Camera Self- Calibration MENG Xiao-Qiao HU Zhan-Yi ( National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100080) (E-mail: { m ngxq, huzy} @ nlpr. ia.ac. cn) Abstract W pr s nt a r vi w and classification of cam ra s lf-calibration t chniqu s d v lop d in r c nt y ars. Compar d with traditional calibration t chniqu s, s lf-calibration do s not r quir a calibration obj ct with known 3D g om try, but only n ds point corr spond nc s from imag s to solv for th intrinsic param t rs. Our main focus is on d aling with th pinhol cam ra mod lwith ith r constant or varying intrinsic param t rs. In th nd, w also giv a bri f r vi w of s l-f cali- bration t chniqu s und r oth r cam ra mod ls. Key words Cam ra s lf-calibration, pinhol mod l, th plan at infinity, th absolut conic ( quadric) 1 , 1) ( ( KJCZ1-07) Support d by th Natural Sci nc Foundation of P. R. China ( and Multidisciplinary R s arch Program of CAS(KJCX1-07) Corr sponding author: HU Zhan-Yi 2001-08-28 2002-01- 16 R c iv d August 28,


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