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Fruits and Vegetables Nuts April 29, 2011 National Conference on Processed Foods and Beverages for Health: Beyond Basic Nutrition (Session IV: Traditional Indian Functional Foods) R. D. Rai, Head Division of Biochemistry Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi- 110012 No Comments on these terms here Nutraceuticals Nutriceuticals Functional Foods Dietary supplements Many More Terms FRUITS and VEGETABLES-- as functional foods 1. Fruits and vegetables are generally high in water and low in fat. And , in addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain significant amounts of dietary fiber and phytochemicals. 2. Consumption of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables is strongly associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases. Hence, a daily consumption of at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables is recommended by WHO. Beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables: • Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases • Reduced risk of cancer • Reduced osteoporesis • Improved memory and mental health • Improved fetal health • Quicker reaction time Phytochemicals present in Fruits and Vegetables Class Bioactive component Source Carotenoids Lycopene, Lutein, Β-carotene Carrots, tomatoes Flavonoids Querecetin, Apigenin, Naringenin, Onion, apple, broccoli Catechin Proanthocyanindin Organosulphar Allyl sulfar, Diallyl sulfide Onion, garlic Isothiocyanates Sulphoraphane


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