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水电站水力机械及厂房部分的初步设计 摘 要 本设计为水电站初步设计,主要包括水轮机选型设计、调速系统、水力机组 辅助设备及主厂房布置等四部分的设计内容。 水轮机选型设计部分:依据原始资料初步确定机组的台数和机型,从而形成 了四种设计方案,然后对四种方案的技术参数进行计算和比较,精选出两种方案 作为备选方案;同过绘制两个方案的综合运转特性曲线和等吸出高度线,进行比 较后确定一个方案作为设计的最终方案,然后,算出所确定方案的蜗壳和尾水管 参数 调速系统部分:根据发电机负荷的增、减,调节进入水轮机的流量,使水轮机的 出力与外界的负荷相适应,让转速保持在额定值,从而保持频率 (f=50Hz)不变 或在允许范围内变动 。自动或手动启动、停止机组和事故停机。当机组并列运 行时,自动地分配各机组之间的负荷. 关键词:水轮机;水力机组辅助设备;调节保证计算;蜗壳;尾水管 水电站水力机械及厂房部分的初步设计 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY ANDHYDROPOWER PLANTPARTOFTHEPRELIMINARYDESIGN Abstract The graduation bear SJ station hydraulic machinery and plant parts of the preliminary design. According to the existing raw materials and some countries national design according to the design, the main contents are: hydropower unit capacity choi ce and compare the various options for turbine model selection, scroll determin e the size of the tail pipe to determine the size, speed and the butterfly model selection, determine the size powerhouse, tailrace channel layout, form selectio n, the amount of excavation, etc., and draw upon request and the correspondin g cross-sectional view floorplan. SJ province in central China power plant on a river basin hydropower stat ion, located in the county 12 kilometers upstream of the dam site area in exce llent condition, two more slope stability, power station after the completion of the provinces central region will supply baseload and part of the shoulder pea k load , is also considering phasing. The power plant design head of 57 m, unit capacity 150000kW, a total of three units with a total installed capacity of 450000kW. Key words hydropower hydropower installed capacity, generator, turbin-e, g , overnor, plant. 水电站水力机械及厂房


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