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家庭背景与干部地位获得 2011 # 5 CJS (1950- 2003) 31 孙 明 : 本文从代际流动的视角出发, 以 一般资本理论和制度分析作为理论 框架, 力图揭示 革前后家庭背景影响子代干部地位获得的机制笔者采用 事件史分析方法, 利用2003 年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2003) 的数据, 对建立 的一组假设进行检验研究发现, 在干部/ 逆向选拔0 的制度安排下, 军人子 弟凭借良好的家庭出身和入党中的优势最有可能成为干部; 革后干部录用 制度向/ 绩效选拔0 转变, 干部知识分子的后代通过入党升学这两 个中间机 制也在干部选拔中占优势, 尤其是中高层干部存在明显的地位再生产 : 家庭背景 干部选拔 资本 制度 Family Backgrounds and the Attainment of Cadre Positions ( 1950- 2003 Sun Ming Abstract: Based on the Chinese General So ial Survey 2003 (CGSS2003), the author used the general apital theory and institutional analysis to examine the me hanisms of how family ba kgrounds affe ted the attainment of adre positions beforeandafter the reformby the even-t tra ingmethod. Thefindings show that: (1) In the pre-reform Mao era (1950- 1977), the offspring of PLA (People. s Liberation Army) families apitalized on their good family origin to * : , (Author: Sun Ming, Department of So iology, S hool of Politi al S ien e International Relations, Post-do toral Resear h Station of Ar hite ture, T ongji Univ ersity ) E-mail: SunmingSo @ gmail. om ** / 0 ( 08JZD0024) / 0 (06BSH049)[This resear h was funded by the Edu ation Ministry. s Key Subj e t Resear h Proj e t / China. s Current So ial Class Study0 (08JZD0024) and National So ial S ien e Foundation / In ome Distribution and So ial Justi e Study0 (06BSH049) . ] # 48 # ( 1950- 2003) enj oy the highest likelihood to be adres, with be oming a CCP ( Chinese Communist Party) member as the intermediate me hanism; and (2)After the reform (1978- 2003), the offspring



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