股王推手卓火土变品格教育苦行僧doc(31 kb )(Wang Zhuo push variable character education ascetic doc (31 KB)).doc

股王推手卓火土变品格教育苦行僧doc(31 kb )(Wang Zhuo push variable character education ascetic doc (31 KB)).doc

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股王推手卓火土变品格教育苦行僧doc(31 kb )(Wang Zhuo push variable character education ascetic doc (31 KB))

股王推手卓火土变品格教育苦行僧doc(31 kb )(Wang Zhuo push variable character education ascetic doc (31 KB)) Wang Zhuo push variable character education ascetic This article extracts from: Business Week 1022nd Author: Chapter Zhang Yu In order to find a better value, Taiwan had the Bill gates? In the eyes of the perfect engineer, put down the eyes of others achievements, Taiwan traveled every corner, only to promote character education. Isnt this what the education department should do? So, who is going to see results after twenty years? Zhuohuotu and a group of his team, he from the King Hondar electric CEO seat retired, quietly made. An executive who has traveled all over the world, and now the most Magee partners are principals, teachers, dentists, police, butterflies, dogs....... He is the number one dress, blue polo shirt, wearing an electronic watch, speaking in a leisurely manner on the foot, wearing faded casual shoes. Interestingly, almost no one knows this TUU is used to create King enterprises, even the instructor, who still half believe and half doubt. Sure, what do you believe in that?. Two years ago, this was Bill gates? Project wizards have loud shouts of applause, fame, success, wealth of entrepreneurs, at the peak of his career, choose out of shopping malls, turned into the Taiwan basic education as a volunteer. He did not hang, do not want others to him and share links. A lot of people cant understand why his life has changed one hundred and eighty degrees Zhuohuotu before, in charge of HTC electricity market value of more than NT $100 billion yuan, and lead the enterprises into U.S. business week (Business Week) one hundred strong in the global science and technology company, one of the fastest growing return on equity, but these third......, not for a happier life. As the chief executive spoke, he said, Im happier now than I used to be.. I am a young man. When I was a child, the place near where I lived was really beautiful. The countryside, rice fields, rivers,


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