离开市场的创新没有出路(There is no way out of market innovation).doc

离开市场的创新没有出路(There is no way out of market innovation).doc

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离开市场的创新没有出路(There is no way out of market innovation)

离开市场的创新没有出路(There is no way out of market innovation) In ancient times, there was an innovation country, peoples thinking is very active, every day can come up with new tricks: today, the pot is a tool for cooking, tomorrow will become a womans headdress, the day after tomorrow has become walking shoes. Most of all, one man announced that he would walk on foot instead of walking with someone else, instead of walking with his head. Unfortunately, the man only took a few minutes to head died (the Bray Deng Zhenghong column) call. According to modern research data say that people had a stroke of death. The innovation country anecdote uses reverse thinking, the tragedy of walking with the head shows that innovation can not be blind, but should be based on objective laws. According to market demand, technological innovation is the starting point and ultimate destination of technological innovation. Without technological innovation, the products or services provided by enterprises will be difficult to adapt to changes in the market demand structure. If enterprises want to survive and develop, they must rely on technological innovation, speed up the upgrading of products according to the market and social needs and their changes, and constantly improve the quality of products and reduce costs. Enterprise technology innovation is a kind of enterprises as the mainstay, guided by the market, with advanced technology as the foundation, in order to improve economic efficiency as the goal, the use of advanced scientific and technological achievements in technology development and innovation, and enable it to a complete process of commercialization. Enterprise technology innovation is from the birth of new products, new technology and management of the market demand, enterprise innovation, and through research and development, make the vision into reality of goods, technology, process a system and ultimately to the market. In this process, the market demand is the precursor and t



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