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2005 年 7 月 华 东 经 济 管 理 J ul. , 2005
East China Economic Management
第 19 卷第 7 期 Vol. 19 ,No. 7
(郑州航空工业管理学院 物资经贸系 , 河南 郑州 450002)
[摘要] 文章以河北省高阳县和四川省南充市为例分析南北方农地流转差异 , 最后得出结论 : 北方传统粮食
产区农地经营效益相对较低 , 不容易流转 , 农户容易出现兼业化现象 ; 南方地区农作物大多以园地作物为
主 , 由于产品赢利空间较大, 农地易实现流转 , 同时 , 农地流转本身又带动了当地的农业产业结构调整。
[ 关键词] 粮食主产区 ; 农业产业结构调整 ; 农地流转
[ 中图分类号] F321 1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007 —5097 (2005) 07 —0044 —03
A Comparing of the Agricultural Land Shifting bet ween Nanchong
Town of Sichuan Province and Gaoyang County of Hebei Province
YAN G JianYun
( The Depart ment of M aterial Economy T rade , Zhengz hou Institute
of Aeronautical Indust ry M anagement , Zhengz hou 450002 , China
Abstract : In the thesis , the author compares the agricultural land shifting in detail with the examples of Nanchong town of Sichuan
province and Gaoyang county of Hebei province. Through the comparing , the author concludes that the economy profits in principle
grain production area are lower , the agricultural land shifting is more difficult and the opportunity is greater of farmer engaging in non
agricultural production. The profits are higher in principle garden production area , so the agricultural land has mere opportunity to be
shifted in this area. Moreover the shifting itself