教师远程教育培训系统(Teacher distance education training system).doc

教师远程教育培训系统(Teacher distance education training system).doc

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教师远程教育培训系统(Teacher distance education training system)

教师远程教育培训系统(Teacher distance education training system) 1, teachers professional ethics construction in primary and secondary school teachers in the higher moral goals of education is -. () A devoted his life to the education of the people B dedicated teachers, positive enterprising A, B, C, D, the correct answer: A 2, measuring the value of teachers, only the rate of admission as a standard. Right or wrong, right answer: wrong 3, a senior middle school teacher Huang Hu found that students play mobile phone in class, when the mobile phone is over, put smashed at the podium, and then thrown into the trash. As a teacher, the following acts are improper A protects student safety B cares about student health C conniving at student errors D safeguard student rights A, B, C, D, the correct answer: C 4, tree people also refers to train students, teach students to behave, to be a real person, () people. A. has ideals, B. has morality, C. has culture, D. has discipline, the answer is: A, B, C, D, the correct answer: B 5, students who violate the school management system, schools should be given ). A expelled B critical education C criticism education, must not dismiss the question: A, B, C, D, the correct answer: C 6, () is the particularity of teacher profession. A exemplary B introspection C altruistic D practical question answer: A B C D the correct answer: A 7, teachers and parents of relations and contradictions should be adjusted through moral means. Key question: Right and wrong correct answer: right 8, in the following teacher behavior, belongs to the mental health performance has () In A. communication, relationships are built on the basis of reciprocity B. calmly handles incidents in class situations C. will live in unpleasant feelings into the classroom, the students turned on D. favors or even covers students with good academic records. The answer is: A, B, C, D, the correct answer: B 9, what are the specific methods for teachers to love and respect? () A treat st


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