
Unit 1 Months of a year Lesson 3 教案.doc

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Unit 1 Months of a year Lesson 3 教案

Unit 1 Months of a year Lesson 3 教案 一、教学目标 ㈠ 知识目标   1. The students can say the words from January to December in order. 2. They can remember the abbreviated form of the months. ㈡ 能力目标   引导学生积极参与教学活动,实现完成认知目标任务,培养合作探究、自主学习、活学活用的能力。 ㈢ 情感态度目标   激发学生的积极情感,培养合作与创新精神,增强竞争意识。教会学生在认知和经历交流的过程中大胆面对困难,在实践中得到情感交流,凸现个性。 ㈣ 学习策略目标 培养学生的观察力、思维能力和想象力。 ㈤ 文化意识目标 了解十二个月份名称的来历及其象征花。 二、教学重难点 1. The pronunciation of the twelve months. 2. Remember the abbreviated form of the months. 三、教学准备 多媒体课件、数字卡片、月份卡片、四季图 四、板书设计 Lesson9 Months of the Year There are twelve months in a year. 五、教学过程 I. Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Yang. T: How are you today? S: I’m fine, thanks. And you? T: I’m very well, thank you. T: Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you, too. 设计意图:通过学生熟悉的问候语与学生进行交流,帮助学生寻找语感,尽快进入英语课堂。 2. Game: Say the Numbers. T: First let’s play a game. Look! I have many number cards. Please say the numbers quickly! Team One, Team two, are you ready? Let’s begin! S: One, Two…… T: (Show the card of “twelve”)What is it?? S: Twelve. T: Good! This is twelve.(板书twelve) 设计意图:此游戏旨在复习1到12的数字,同时也是为后面的chant作铺垫,并且最后一个数字停在12,让学生动脑筋去想与12有关的事物,以旧带新,自然的引出新授内容。 II. New Concepts January February March April May June July August September October November December 1. Demonstrate T: Can you say something about “twelve”? S: I have twelve markers. There are twelve boys in our class. …… 一年有12个月。 T: There are twelve months in a year. (板书) Read after me, please. S: There are twelve months in a year. 设计意图:将There are twelve months in a year.这个句子在学月份之前先板书在黑板上,让学生对月份有一个整体的认识。 T: Do you know the names of the months? Today we1ll learn them.设计意图:运用课件中出现的节日台历教授月份单词,形象直观,把月份和学生比较感兴趣的节日相联系,易于接受。 T: Look! Do you know which month it is? S: 1月. T: January. New Year’s Day is in January. S: January. T: Which month is it? S: 2月. T: February. “ry” also pronounce / ri /. Read after me, please. S: February.How’s the weather in January and February? S: It’s cold and sno


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