《客体关系》中德精神分析系列课笔记(Object relations - a series of Chinese and German psychoanalysis notes).doc

《客体关系》中德精神分析系列课笔记(Object relations - a series of Chinese and German psychoanalysis notes).doc

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《客体关系》中德精神分析系列课笔记(Object relations - a series of Chinese and German psychoanalysis notes)

《客体关系》中德精神分析系列课笔记(Object relations - a series of Chinese and German psychoanalysis notes) Object relations series of Chinese psychoanalysis series notes were published at 2010-12-4 9:43:44 Speaker: Li Dingzhi Core analysis: psychoanalysis is divided into three parts: classical psychoanalysis, object relation theory, and self psychology. Self psychology developed largely from the theory of the people of Winnipeg and others. Classical theory emphasizes drive, object relation theory emphasizes relationship. Object relation theory is indeed very practical. 1, psychoanalysis is divided into three parts: classical psychoanalysis, object relation theory, and self psychology. 2, classic theory emphasizes drive, object relation theory emphasizes relationship. 3, the object relations theory is really very practical and sometimes more useful than the driving theory. But the theory development time is not long, only then several dozens years, is not too mature theory. Some phenomena cannot be explained by object relation theory. But the driving force theory has been verified by time for more than 100 years, there are many brilliant places, do not deny it. The object relation theory emphasizes the pre - Russian period and emphasizes the relation. Human beings are the least able to survive mammals, especially at birth. Survival depends on relationships, and relationships with foster people. In the idea of object relations, the concept of object refers to everything except the main body (mainly people). A transitional object can be an object, but it is conditional. Relationships can be either internal or external. (and Freud is different about the concept of objects.). When I do things, theres always another voice inside. According to the theory of relationship, the development of human psychology is essentially based on interaction with others. Consider objects as human beings. And Freud thinks sex drive is the basic motive force of human development. The object is the original d


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