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世界著名分类学家林萘的名著《自然系统》(1758年),鲫鱼这个种的模式标本就是金鱼,因为指明尾鳍是三叉的和双尾的;林萘所著《Fauna suecia》(1745年),书中鲫鱼图也是双尾金鱼,林萘认为这是正常鲫鱼。林萘更早的文章——瑞典皇家科学院(1740年)第一期中,是用金鱼标本描述的Carassius auratus (Cyprinus auratus)。所以Carassius auratus是金鱼的学名。 The world famous systematists Lin naphthalene masterpiece of natural system (in 1758), this kind of type specimens carp is specified, because the caudal goldfish and double end is trigeminal, Lin naphthalene the Fauna suecia (1745), the book is double carp tail goldfish, graph forest naphthalene think this is normal carp. Lin naphthalene earlier, the royal Swedish academy of sciences (in) in the first issue for 1740, is described in the specimen Carassius auratus goldfish Cyprinus (auratus). So Carassius auratus goldfish is known. 金鱼的半家化饲养 The half monufacture breeding goldfish 出于佛教徒行善积德的目的,在唐朝人们建立了“放生池”。而野外偶有捕获的金鲫鱼由于稀有而神秘,被人们认为是神物,自然是放生的对象。金鲫鱼被放养在“放生池”中,佛教徒和寺院僧众偶尔喂以食物,正是野生鲫鱼半家养化饲养的开始。据载,浙江等地的金鲫鱼数量较多,最早将金鲫鱼放养与“放生池”的也是浙江嘉兴与杭州两地。 One good turn deserves another purpose for buddhists in tang dynasty, people built free life pond. But I have captured wild rare golden carp and mysterious, because be considered sacred, nature is released. Golden carp were built in free life pond, buddhist monasteries and in food and feed occasionally sharp wild carp half the breeding of domestic. In zhejiang province, according to the number of gold, silver carp with golden carp herding free life pond is zhejiang hangzhou from jiaxing. 我国池养金鱼应始于南宋时期,至今已有近900年的历史。经过长期的人工培育,品种逐渐增多,特别是的近代遗传科学发达以后,采用了各种杂交方法,新奇异种不断出现,目前金鱼的种类已达到300余个。 China southern goldfish pond should be started, it has been nearly 900 years of history. After long-term artificial cultivation, varieties increase gradually, especially after the modern science, using genetic developed all sorts of hybrid method, the new heterogeneous appear ceaselessly, present the goldfish type has about 300. 在北宋时代,金鲫不但引起诗人骚客的雅兴,而且也受到达官贵族,特别是皇族的赏识。在古代的皇宫及豪门府第中,水池是必不可少的,楼台亭榭大都建在池边,水池中种植着莲藕,荷花开放时以供观赏,同时在池中也投放一些鱼类作为观赏对象。佛寺鱼池中出现的金鲫,因其美丽的色彩,自然倍受达官贵


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