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5 1 () Vo.l 5 N o. 1 2005 3 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY( ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY) M ar. 2005 网络攻击路径重构中的报文标记方案研究 1 1, 2 1, 2 褚为民, 陈 波 , 于 泠 ( 1. , 210007; 2. , 210097) [] , . IP , , . , . , IPv 6 . [] , , TCP / IP, [] TP393. 07, [ ] B, [] 1672-1292-(2005) 01-0061-04 Research on the PacketsM arking Schem es of Reconstructing-Path in Network Attack 1 1, 2 1, 2 CHUW e mi in , CHEN Bo , YU L ing ( 1. School of Comm nication Eng ineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, Jiangs Nanj ing 210007, China; 2. School ofMathem atics and Com p ter Science, Nanjing Norma lU niversity, Jiangs Nanjing 210097, China) Abstract: The paper analyzes the probab ilistic FM S ( Fragm en tM ark ing Scheme) of IP traceback , points o t som e lmi itations of s ch schem es, and disc sses a scheme based on probabilisticm ark ing packet by s ing algebraic cod ing theory. The victmi can se the edges sam pled in these packets to reconstr ct attack path. The algebraicm ethod is an- alyzed of mark ing packets and reconstr cting attack path algorithm. The perform ance of th is m ethod is analyzed and com paredw ith FMS. The schem e has very low network and ro ter overhead and s pport increm ental dep loym ent in IPv 6. K ey words: traceback attack so rce, ro ter, TCP /IP, network sec rity ( FragmentM ark ing Schem e, FM S). 0 引言 , IP DDoS ( D istrib ted Denial of Service, / 0 8 )



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