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第27 卷 第6期 公 路 交 通 科 技 Vol.27  o.6 2010 年6 月   Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development   Jun.2010 文章编号:1002 0268 (2010)06 0046 06 自锚式斜拉 悬吊协作体系桥的设计研究 张 哲, 韩立中, 万其柏 (大连理工大学 桥梁工程研究所, 辽宁 大连 116024) 摘要:针对大连湾航道面临软土地基、 强台风、 深水基础等不良的自然条件, 在总结以往地锚式斜拉 悬吊协作体系 桥特点的基础上, 提出自锚斜拉 悬吊协作体系桥。 以主跨800m 的大连跨海大桥主航道桥为工程背景, 详细 绍了自 锚式斜拉 悬吊协作体系的方案设计、 构造特点, 并就结构的静动力特性、 施工步骤、 经济性能以及运营阶段悬吊部 分端吊索的疲劳问题和施工阶段结构的抗风稳定性进行了深入的分析研究, 通过与悬索桥等其他结构体系进行对比分 析表明, 只要结构合理布局、 并结合诸如适当设置辅助墩、 在悬吊部分吊索与斜拉桥索适当交叉等一些措施, 自锚式 斜拉 悬吊协作体系桥具有优良的力学性能, 完全能胜任深海、 软土地基的建设。 关键词:桥梁工程;斜拉 悬吊桥;协作体系;抗风稳定性 中图分类号:U448.25     文献标识码:A Research on Design of Self anchored Cable stayed Suspension Bridge ZHA G Zhe, HA Lizhong, WA Qibai (Bridge Engineering Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, China) Abstract :The self anchored cable stayed suspension bridgewas put forward based on analyzing the characteristics of earth anchored cable stayed suspension bridge in view of the bad natural conditions such as the soft foundation, the violent typhoon, and the deep watered foundation which the Dalian harbor route faced with.For the main channel bridge of Dalian sea crossing bridgewith 800 m main span, the conceptual design and the structure were introduced;traits of the static and dynamic mechanics, erecting procedure, economic performance and fatigue of hanger cables at the connecting zone of both cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge aswell as thewind resistant stability at the construction stage were all researched.Compared with suspension bridge and other structures, the result shows that the rational layout together with some measures such as auxiliary pier and the appropriate


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