Unit 9 Whats the weather like 教案.doc

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Unit 9 Whats the weather like 教案

Unit 9 Whats the weather like? 教案 一、教学目标: 能听懂、会说新单词weather,suuny,windy,cloudy,cold; 能运用句型“It’s a ...day”“I like...”谈论天气和季节。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:描述天气和季节。 难点:本课新音讯的认读和识记。 三、教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。 唱英语歌曲。(可采用歌曲“Old Macdonald”的曲调) We want to go outside to play. It’s a sunny day. We want to go outside to play. It’s a windy day. The sun came by. The clouds went away. Clouds sun wind rain. Here comes the sun. We want to go outside to play. It’s a sunny day ya. We want to go outside to play. It’s a windy day. We want to go outside to play. It’s a cloudy day. The clouds came by. The sun went away. Clouds sun wind rain. Here come the clouds. We want to go outside to play. It’s a cloudy day ya. The rain came by. The sun went away. Here comes the rain. Clouds sun wind rain. We can’t go outside to play. It’s a rainy day. Step 2 Presentation and drill 师生自由会话,谈论天气。 T: What’s the weather like today? S: It’s... T: Let’s... S: OK! 在黑板上画一个太阳的简笔画。 T: What’s the weather like? S: It’s sunny. 板书并教学单词sunny。。: What’s the weather like? S: It’s lighting and thunder.(帮助学生回答) 板书并教学单词lighting and thunder。 用同样的方法教学单词windy,cloudy,cold,dry, wet。 出示夏天的图片。 T: It’s summer. What’s the weather like in summer? S: It’s lightning and thunder/wet/hot... T: What can we do/eat/...in summer? S: We can swim in summer. S: We can eat ice-cream in summer. ... 鼓励学生大胆想象和表达。 出示秋天的图片。 T: It’s autumn. 板书并教学单词autumn。 T: What’s the weather like in autumn? S: It’s windy/cloudy/dry/... T: Do you like autumn? Why? S: Yes, I like autumn. I can eat many fruits in autumn. S: No, I don’t like autumn. It’s cloudy in autumn. ... 启发学生运用所学知识自由发挥。 出示冬天的图片。 T: It’s winter. 板书并教学单词winter。 T: What’s the weather like in winter? S: It’s cold/windy/dry/... T: What do you like to do most in winter? S: I like to make snow man in winter. S: I like to go skating in winter. ... 引导学生充分发挥想象,自由地表述对四季的感觉、喜好及其原因。 Step 3 Practice 师生会话。 T: Is it ... outside?(根据实际天气情况提问) S: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 出示课文A部分教学挂图。 T: It is


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