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Chapter 2 信号的分析与处理 Signal analysis and processing ;Chapter 2 signal analysis and processing 信号的分析与处理 ;3)strengthen useful information and weaken inutile[inju:tail] 无用part. 强化、突出有用信息,削弱无用部分;;Signal analysis and signal processing are closely correlative . There is no distinct border between them.信号分析和信号处理是密切相关的,二者并没有明确的界限。 ;Methods of signal analysis and processing mainly include analog analysis method and digital processing analysis method.信号分析和处理的方法主要有模拟分析方法和数字处理分析方法 ;2.1 Signal Analysis in Time Domain 信号的时域分析 ;Mean square of discrete signal Ψx2 离散信号的均方值 ; Applycation of eigenvalue [`aig?n.v?lju:] 特征值分析的应用 ;2.1.2 probability density function analysis概率密度函数分析 ;Sine signal 正弦信号 ;Probability density function of normal正态 distribution random signal 正态分布随机信号的概率密度函数 ;2.2 Signal correlation analysis 信号的相关分析 ;Correlated degree between variable x and y is usually denoted by the related coefficient.变量x和y之间的相关程度常用相关系数表示:;2.2.2 Autocorrelation analysis 自相关分析 ;Definition[defi′ni??n] of autocorrelatin function 自相关函数定义 ;Properties of autocorrelation functin 自相关函数的性质 ;Properties of autocorrelation functin自相关函数的性质 ; autocorrelation function of periodical function is also a periodic function with the same periods. 周期函数的自相关函数仍为同频率的周期函数 ;2.2.3 cross-correlation analysis 互相关分析 ;Properties of cross-correlation function 互相关函数的性质 ;3)The peak value of Rxy(τ) is not at the point of τ=0. Position of peak point deviating偏离[di:vieit] from origin reflects the magnitude of time shift of two signals,and correlation condition reachs the tiptop最高点.Rxy(τ)的峰值不在τ=0处,其峰值偏离原点的位置反映了两信号时移的大小,相关程度最高 ;5)Two statistical independence random signals, when means are zero,then 两个统计独立的随机信号,当均值为零时,则 ;6) cross-correlation function of two periodical signals with different periods equals zero. 两个不同频率的周期信号,其互相关为零 ;Example: calculate the cross-correlation function of two sine functions with the same frequency x(t)=x0sin(wt+θ) and y(t)=y0sin(wt+θ-φ) .例 求两个同频率的正弦函数x(t)=x0sin(wt+φ) 和y(t)=y0sin(wt


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