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第18 卷第3 期  控 制 与 决 策 2003 年5 月 Vol. 18 No.3  Control and Decision   May 2003 : 1001-0920(2003) 03-0281-04 王广雄, 张 静, 朱井泉 ( , 150001) : 提出一种新的鲁棒设计思想: 将挠性模态部分的Nyquist 图线安排到右 平面。由于综合运用 了频域分析、极点配置、正实性引理、线性矩阵不等式等概念和算法, 使得这种鲁棒控制设计得以实现, 且简单直观。通过两 个算例说明了该设计方法的有效性。 : 挠性系统; 鲁棒控制; 正实性; 线性矩阵不等式 : TP273: A Robust control design for f lexible systems - , , - WA N G Guang x iong ZH A N G J ing ZH U J ing quan ( epartment of Control Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, , 150001, China) A bstract: A new design strategy is presented to place the locus part of the flexible mode on the right- half Nyquist plane This design goal is achieved by integrating various concepts and algorithms in. control theory, including the frequency domain analysis, the pole placement, the Positive-Real Lemma and LMI s. T he design method is simple and intuitive. Examples illustrate the validity of the design method. Key words : Flexible system; Robust control; Positive realness; Linear matrix inequality 1引   言 [ 1] 2 n (s/ 1 + 1) 1 n ,n G( s) = 2 2 2 , ( 1) s (s + 2ns + n) , , , , [ 1] n , G(j) (1 ) , , n , [ 1] , -


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