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3 1 4 V o.l 3 1 N o. 4 2011 8 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAK E ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION Aug. 2011 : 1000 - 1301( 20 11) 04 - 0137 - 06 M s 8. 0 1 1 2 3 王维铭 , 袁晓铭 , 孟上九, 孟凡超 ( 11 , 150080 21 , 150080 3 , 06520 1) : , : V IV IIV IIIIX X , V II 1- 3m , 10m , 67% , , 11% , , , : : TU 392. 1 P315. 97 : A L iquefaction characteristics in Ch engdu region inM s 8. 0 W enchuan earthquake 1 1 2 3 WANG W emi ing , YUAN X iaom ing , MENG Sh angjiu , MENG Fanch ao ( 1. In stitu te of Engineering M ech an ics, CEA, H arb in 150080, Ch ina 2. H arb in Inst itute of T echno logy, H arb in 150080, C h ina 3 Inst itute of D isaster P rev ent ion, S anhe 06520 1, Ch ina) Abs tract: In W enchuan earthqu ake, the bu ilding dam age du e to so il lique fact ion in Chengdu reg ion w as sign ificant. By fie ld investigat ion and eng ineering geo log ical data ana lysis, the lique fact ion ch aracter istics in Chengdu reg ion w ere: ( 1) L ique fact ion zones ( belts) w ere m ainly located in Dujiangyan C ity ( 2) The liqu efaction w as observed in the reg ions w ith se ism ic in ten sitiesV I, V II, V III, IX and X, bu t m ainly concen trated in the area w ith se ism ic in- ten sity V II ( 3) H e ights of liqu efaction w ater-jet w ere 1 to 3 m, and the highest w as m ore th an 10m ( 4) The ejected m ateria ls in liqu efied sites con sist


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