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prefer的用法最详细解释 ?(2007-07-24 10:34:34) 转载▼ 英语学习 ? prefer ? 用法 分类:?外语学习 ? ?1、后接不定式时与rather than?或instead of连用, ????如:He prefered to die rather than (to) steal. / He perfered to die instead of stealing.?他宁死也不去偷窃。 ? 1)???本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第二个不定式前面以不加to居多。例如: ????He prefer to die rather than become traitor.她宁死也不做叛徒。 ???????????Older people often fear change. They know what they can do best. They prefer to repeat their successes rather than risk failure. ????年纪大的人常常怕变化。他们知道什么最拿手,宁愿把自己成功的经验在如法炮制而不愿冒失败的危险。 ????She preferred to sew rather than to knit. ????她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。 ????2)rather than?也可以至于句首: ????Rather than buy a car of his own, he prefers to rent one. ????3)than后也可用动名词: ????I prefer to stay at home rather than go/going to see a film. ???我觉得与其去看电影倒不如呆在家里。 ???I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to your mothers. ???我觉得与其开车跑那么远的路到你母亲那里度周末,到不如在家里过更好些。 ????4)?prefer?…rather than?中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前(prefer rather…than),这种用法多见于书面语。例如: ????He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent.?她宁可自己承担全部责任而不愿让无辜的人受到连累。 ?????5)?prefer to do A rather than do B?意义相同,试比较: ????Joe prefers skating to skiing. ????Joe prefer to skate rather than ski. ????Bill preferred playing soccer to swimming. ????Bill preferred to play soccer rather than swim. ????He preferred rating a car to having one of his own. ????He prefers to rent a car rather than to have one of his own. ???他宁愿租车也不愿买车。 ?????6)?用prefer…rather than代替prefer…to连接名词的 形偶尔也可见到。如: ????Mr. Brunner prefers chemistry rather than physics. ???有人认为两者的区别是:prefer…to表示一般的倾向,prefer…rather than则表示在某种具体场合的选择。如: ???What shall we have to drink, port or sherry??我们喝 么呢? ???I should prefer port rather than sherry.?我宁愿和 葡萄酒而不合雪利酒。 ?????7)?prefer + that从句 ????Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday? ???你宁愿让星期一来而不是星期二来吗 ????I prefer that someone else should do this. ????我觉得还是让别人来做这件事比较好。 ? ?2、注意介词搭配, ????如: I prefer swimming to skating. (I like s


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