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17 5 ( ( ) ; ) Vol. 17 No. 5 2010 9 Earth Science Frontiers ( China University of Geosciences( Beijing) ; eking University) Sep. 2010 : 李德威 ( ) , 430074 Li Dewei F acul ty of Ear th S cie nces and Cent er f or T i bet an Pl ate au S t ud ies , China Univ ers i ty of G eosci ence s ( W uhan) , W uhan 430074, Chi na Li Dewei. The regularity and mechanism of East Kunlun, Wenchuan, and Yushu earthquakes and discussion on genesis and pre diction of continental earthquakes. Earth Science Frontiers , 2 1 , 17( 5) :179192 Abstract: Asymmetrical coseismic surface ruptures and aftershock sequences of East Kunlun, Wenchuan, and Yushu strong earthquake in t he northeastern Tibetan lateau propagated eastw ard, southeastw ard and north eastw ard, respectively. These earthquakes may generally be related t o the variation in flow velocity and f low direction of the arc low er crustal thermal river that originates from Ganges Basin and flows through Yadong, Damxung, Amdo, Kusai Lake, Zhidoi, Ganzi, Wenchuan toward Yunnan province and its adjacent areas form ing a low er crustal thermal sea, which caused a 10month mega tectonic drought . The coseismic surface ruptures did not precisely coincide with faults, and hypocenters did not precisely occur on brittle faults. Low er crustal flow controlled seismic sources in middle crust and then caused brittle fracture syst em in upper crust . Strong earthquake sw arms often occurred on the basinorogen boundary. Cont inental intraplate earthquakes were product of stratification deformation of active crust driven by low er crustal laminar flow . In opening non linear complex system of basinorogen coupling and different sphere and layer coupling in continent, uprising of a thickened continental mantle asthenosphere d


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