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17 3 ( ( ) ; ) Vol. 17 No. 3
2010 5 Earth Science Frontiers ( China University of Geosciences( Beijing) ; eking University) May 2010
李廷栋1, 2
1 , 100037
2 , 130026
Li Tingdong1, 2
1Ch ine se A ca demy of Ge ol ogi cal S ci ence s, Beij i ng 100037, Chi na
2Col l ege of E art h Sc ienc es, J il i n Univ ers i ty , Chang chu n 130026, China
Li Tingdong. Principal characteristics of the lithosphere of China. Earth Science Fr ontiers ,2010, 17(3):001013
Abstract: The lithospheric structure of China and its adjacent area is very complex and has several prominent
characteristic features: the cont inental crust of China is thick in the west but thin in the east; and it is thick in
the south but thin in t he north. The continental crust of Qinghai T ibet lat eau has an average thickness of 60
65 km with a maximum thickness of 80 km. while in the Eastern China it is 3035 km and the minimum thick
ness is only 5 km in the central sea basin of South China Sea. The average thickness of the continental crust of
China reaches 47.6 km, w hich greatly exceeds the average thickness of 39. 2 km of the global crust. The litho
sphere of Chinese continent and its adjacent areas also show s the general change tendency of thicker in the west
and thinner in the east , and thicker in t he south and thinner in the north. The lithosphere of QinghaiTibet
lateau and northw estern China has an average thickness of 165 km w ith a maximum thickness of 180200 km
in the central and east part of Tarim Basin, amir and Changdu areas. The vast areas to the east of the Da
XingganTaihangWuling mountains including the marginal sea are the lithospheric thinning regions w here the
thickness of lithosphere is only 5085 km. In the western China t he lithosphere and asthenosphere behave as an