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“” “” ——— “”    From “Large Community” to “New   1990 年代以来, 城市房地产发展建 逐渐成为城 Town”:Reorganization of “South 市空间拓展与城市建 的 “主力军”, 以至于对城市空间结 China Residential Block” 构产生深刻影响, 特别是与城市空间发展和城市公共性等议 1 2 题密切联系的有关居住区的规模、选址、 公共服务配置等, YUAN Qifeng , WEI Cheng (1.School of Geo graphy Science and Planning, 成为政府以及企业博弈的 “前台”。然而, 广州 “华南板块” Sun Yat-Sen Univer i ty, Guangzhou 510275, China;2.Architect ure Civil Engineering, 居住 “大盘” 开发则提供了一个由于县 (区)级政府和市级 South China Univ er ity of T echnology, Guang- 政府在利益博弈与空间管制过渡期间, 开发商主导与 “运 zhou 510640, China) 营” 楼盘建 , 政府缺位和不作为而导致城市公共性丧失的 Abstract T he development of urban real 微观分析样本。本文探讨了 “华南板块” 大盘开发的形成及 e tate h a gradu ally become th e m ain 其后果, 并以广州城市发展战略研究为基础, 希冀以 “新 force of urban praw l and urban con- truction ince 1990 .Clo ely related to 城” 理念重构 “华南板块”, 以弥补城市公共性的缺失, 从 urban patial development and urban commun ality, the cale, location and 而促使 “居住大盘” 有望向真正意义上的城市转变。 public facilitie of re idential area have  城市发展战略;华南板块;公共性;新城 becom e the arena of game betw een gov- ernment and real e tate enterpri e par- ticularly.T he development of “South “” , China Re idential Block ” (SC RB )of , Guangzh ou offer a micro copic am ple th at during the period of gaming and 、 , “”。1990 man agement tran ition betw een cou nty (di trict)government and m unicipal gov- , , ernment, the con tru ction lead by enter- , pri e and the ab ence of governmental guidan ce lead to the lo of urb an com- “、 ” 。 m unality.Th e p aper take it a the tart- “” 1990 ing point, analy e the formation and fi- n al re ult of SCRB, hope to recon truct 。 , “”, 1990 “”, 。 “”


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