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第 34 卷 第 6期 昆明理工大学学报 (理工版 ) http : / / www. ku stjourna l. com / Vol. 34 No6
2009年 12 月 Journal of Kunm ing Un iversity of Science and Technology ( Science and Technology) D ec. 2009
do i: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1007 - 855x. 2009. 06. 00 1
李 峰 ,坚润堂 ,赵向东
(昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院 ,云南 昆明 650093)
摘要 :锡铁山滩间山群中广泛发育与铅锌成矿作用关系密切的硅质岩. 地质 、地球化学特征研究
表明 ,区内硅质岩具条带状和纹层状构造 ,与含矿层产状一致. 岩石总体以贫 Si,富 A l、Fe、M n、
N a等为特征 ,属不纯硅质岩 ,主成分与火山—沉积盆地热水沉积硅质岩特征相似. 硅质岩的 Fe /
( )
Ti、Fe +M n / Ti、N i/ Co、Ti/V 等比值与热水沉积物类似 , A s、Sb、B a、A g、H g等指示微量元素显著
富集 , REE总量低、Ce亏损较明显. 表明本区硅质岩为热水沉积成因,形成于陆缘裂谷环境.
关键词 :硅质岩 ;地球化学 ;热水成因;锡铁山矿床
中图分类号 : P588. 24 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1007 - 855X (2009) 06 - 000 1 - 08
Geochem ica l Character istic s and Form a tion Setting of
S ilicolites in the X itieshan D eposit , Q ingha i Prov ince
L I Fe n g , J IAN Run tan g , ZHAO Xian g do n g
( Facu lty of L and R e source Engineering, Kunm ing U n iversity of Science and Technology, Kunm ing 650093, Ch ina)
A b stract:A su ite of silico lite s clo sely relacted to Pb - Zn m ineralization are w ide sp readed in the Tanj ian shan
Group of the X itie shan depo sit. Th is p ap er ha s studied the p etro logical and geochem ical characterristic s of the sil
ico lite s, through m icro section and chem ical analysis. The silico lite s distribu ted in the region are characterized by
bedded, strip ed and lam inar structu re s, and show con sisten t occu rrence w ith ore - bearing strata. A ll samp le s of
the silico lite s have low silica con ten t, and relatively en riched in A l, Fe,M n and N a. The m ajor elem en ts compo si
tion of the silico lite s are sim