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16 2 V o.l 16, No. 2 2007 4 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S A pr. 2007 : 1004- 4574 2007) 02- 0127- 06 张 敏, 刘东明 , 102202) : , 1 hr, 10 hr, 100 hr, Ro therm e l , , : ; Ro therme l; ; : S762 : A F ire behavior m odel and situation of L arix olgen sis com bustib les in forest zone of ChangbaiM oun tain ZHAN G M in, L IU Dong-m ing T h e Comm and U n ivers ity, Ch inese A rm ed Pol ice Force, Beij ing 102202, Ch in a) Abs tract: Sam p le p lo ts w ith different age of L arix o lgensis forest in ChangbaiM ounta in and sm all sam p le quadrates in every sam ple plot w ere set up. In every quadrats, dead grass, liv ing g rass, litter layer, hal-f decomposed layer, 1 hr ruderal, 10 hr rudera,l 100 hr rudera l and bru sh w ere co llected and their com bu stib les param eters w ere deter- m ined. Rate o f spread, heat per un it area, fireline in tensity, flam e length and m ax mi um reliab le w ind speed o f L ar ix o lgensis com bu stib lesw ere com puted w ith Ro therm e lM ode.l T he resu lt is sat isfactory. A ccord ing to f ire be- hav ior situat ion the fire suppression tact ics are drawn up. K eyword s: forest com bustib les; Rotherm el M odel; com bu st ibles m odel; potential fire behavior , , , , , , ) 1 414245~ 424518, 1273330~ 1281648 , , : 2006- 18- 20; : 2007- 03- 24 : : 197 1- ) , , , , . E-m ail: y anglei@ sasac. gov. cn 12 8 16 , , , , 40 km , , , , , 600~ 1000m , 1000~ 1 800m , 1 800 ~ 2 000m , 2 000m , , , , , , A , 30 , , 2 2 1



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