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台南地區祭祀用紙之視覺圖像研究 17-33 台南地區祭祀用紙之視覺圖像研究 A Study on Graphic Images of Religious Papers in Tainan 莊雅茹* 王藍亭** Ya-Ju Chuang* Lan-Ting Wang ** *台南應用科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 研究生 **台南應用科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 副教授 摘 要 人類因為文化、信仰或各家思想的影響下,開始追求好運、吉祥、祈願、了解厄運等行為,而運用 雙關、象徵及諧音,將民間故事、神話故事、吉祥話、諺語等題材形式置入祭祀用紙圖像中。本研究擬 透過古都台南蓬勃發展的祭祀用紙文化,將台灣廟宇文化與祭祀活動中常用祭祀用紙,依據蒐集祭祀用 紙相關的文獻,透過文獻內容分析法與訪談法將祭祀用紙的圖像隱涵的意義及圖像造形進行分析。本研 究將以祭祀活動中最常見的壽金為例,蒐集台南地區壽金的樣本,分析解構祭祀用紙正面的福、祿、壽 三星圖像之視覺元素與象徵意義。結果發現祭祀用紙上的福、祿、壽三星圖像深受民間喜愛,其圖像意 涵亦為民間社會階級觀念的投射;在圖像解構元素的結果發現,福、祿、壽三星圖像皆無頸部,且臉部 圖佔全身較大的比例,在祭祀用紙的圖像風格則是抽象多於具象。 關鍵詞︰祭祀用紙、圖像 Abstract Many different ritual activities can be seen in Taiwans traditional belief systems and religions. The burning of offerings of paper money signifies an appreciation of, and reverence for Gods on the part of believers. It is also the final stage of prayer to Gods, and signifies the interaction between man and nature in the ceremonies. In order to further understand this cultural phenomenon, the study uses content analysis to explore the forms of imitation paper money, usage demographics and the ways of using paper money. Due to cultural reasons, religious beliefs and the philosophies of many sages, people began the pursuit of good luck, prayers, as well as the avoidance of bad luck and other benefits through the methods outlined above. Additionally, the use of words with puns, symbols, homophones and so on were used to represent folk tales, fairy tales, sweet words, proverbs and other topics in the form of graphics or word-art, and were expressed through paper cuttings, couplet


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