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修订记录 Revision History 编制人 Author 日期 Date 修订内容 Change Description 版本号 Rev 批准 Approvals 职位 Position 姓名 Name 签名 Signature 日期 Date 1.目的:Purpose: The purpose of this document is to detail the specific steps necessary for a lab technician to perform the iDEN Parametric Test. 2 范围:Scope: The scope of this document is to instruct the lab technician on how to perform iDEN parametric testing for products run on the Motorola ALT flow 00R89144W01 using manual method instead of ATE. 职责:Responsibility: It is the responsibility of lab technician to ensure proper usage of the equipment during testing. It is the responsibility of lab technician to ensure that the proper test setting is used prior to use of the equipment. 实验室技术人员负责在实验过程中,确保仪器设备工作在正常状态并确保在仪器设备使用前将仪器设备进行正确的设置。 4定义:Definition: Term Definition ATE Automated Test Equipment ALT Accelerated Life Test生命加速试验 iDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network集成数字增强型网络 5 程序:Procedure: Agilent Vector Signal Analyzer N9010A 安捷伦无线电信号分析仪N9010A Agilent RF Power Meter E4418B 安捷伦射频功率计E4418B Agilent Vector Signal Generator E4438C 安捷伦无线电信号发生器E4438C Agilent Power Supply 66319B 安捷伦直流电源66319B WillTek RF Shield Box and Antenna WillTek 射频屏蔽盒与天线 Laboratory PC 工业控制电脑 5.2 Test setup Refer to diagram to set up the iDEN parametric test equipment. The GPIB cable is meant for automation. The GPIB cable to the E4438C is needed for one time loading of iDEN and Mototalk waveforms to the equipment. All equipment should be turned on one hour before any test is done. This is to allow the equipment to stabilize sufficiently enough to make the correct measurement, 以下是iDEN参数测试的连接图。GPIB电缆是用来进行自动化测试。第一次连接E4438C时需要用到GPIB电缆进行波形下载。所有仪器在测试前至少开机一小时以保证各项参数处于正常状态。 5.3 安装iDEN和Mototalk波形到E4438C仪器中。 The following software and files are needed. 以下是安装波形所必备的软件 IntuiL


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