Lesson32 Shopping made easy新概念英语第二册32课.ppt

Lesson32 Shopping made easy新概念英语第二册32课.ppt

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Lesson32 Shopping made easy新概念英语第二册32课

LESSON 32 Shopping Made Easy New words and expressions Once adj.曾经,以前 ① long long ago 很久以前 ②一次 Eg: I visited my mother once a month. ③as soon as 连接从句,表示“一旦” Eg: Once we are home, we can rest. Temptation n.诱惑,引诱,勾引 ① sth. that seduces or has the quality to seduce. 引诱 ②the desire to have or do sth. That you know you should avoid. 诱惑 Eg: I can resist everything except temptation. 我可以抗拒一切,除了诱惑。 Usage: temptation to do sth. ……的诱惑 Eg: temptation to steal 偷窃的诱惑 Article n.物品,东西;文章 v.签订协议 ① small things Eg: personal article=item ②essay; passage; composition Eg: 1.This is an interesting article which talks about love. 2.他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。 ③bind by a contract 由合同绑定 Wrap v.打包,包起来 ①the covering in which sth. is wrapped 覆盖,包裹 Eg: Use a cloth to wrap up the wound. Usage: wrap sth. up lexis deforming( 词汇变形): wrap-wrapped-wrapped Arrest v.逮捕,抓捕;拘留;阻止 ①take into custody 拘留 ②hold back, as of a danger or an enemy逮捕 Eg: Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers. 警察有权逮捕犯法者。 ③cause to stop阻止 Eg: to arrest progress 阻碍进步,阻止前进 ④attract 吸引 Usage: arrest one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 Eg: The beauty of the scenery arrested the tourists. 美丽的景色吸引游客的注意力。 Intensive reading(精读) LOOK The word look has a different meaning in each sentence: vt. 期待;注意;面向;看上去像 vi. 看起来;注意;面向 n. 样子;面容 Phrase: Look forward to (expect with pleasure) 盼望/高兴地期待 Eg:1.I am looking forward to the summer holidays. 2.我期待着和你一起工作。 3.我期待获得你们的指导。 Look out (be careful) 当心、注意 Eg:1.Look out! A bus is coming. 2.过街时注意车辆。 Look up (get information from a reference book) 查阅,从参考书中获取资料 Eg:1.I do not understand this word. I shall look it up in a dictionary.我不懂这个词的词义,我要查一下字典。 2.你可以在词汇表里查这个词。 (visit) 拜访 Eg: Do not forget to look me up when you return. 回来时别忘了来看我 (look above ) 向上看 Eg: He?turned his?face?to?look?up?at the?sky. Compound adjective(复合形容词) (1)adj.+ v-ing = “系表结构” Eg: hard-working a good-looking boy = a boy who looks good 相貌好看的男孩 nice-sm


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