方兴地产绿色建筑之路 李从瑞.pdf

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方兴地产绿色建筑之路 李从瑞

方兴地产的绿色建筑之路 The Green Building Practice of Frashion 李从瑞 总经理,方兴地产(中国)有限公司 Mr. Li Congrui CEO, Franshion Properties (China) Ltd 尊敬的仇保兴副部长、各位来宾、女士们、先生们: 在前三届的大会上,方兴地产公开发布了企业的绿色宣言和战略目标,开 启了方兴的 “绿金时代”。 In the last three conferences, Franshion Properties (China) Ltd. announced our green manifesto and launched our “green gold era”. 上一届的绿建大会开幕式上,仇保兴副部长评价方兴地产成功实现了从绿 色建筑单体向生态城区转变,从绿色设计到绿色管理的转变,从企业经营到社 会效益的转变。 In the opening ceremony of the conference last year, vice minister Qiu Baoxing appraised the success of Franshion Properties (China) Ltd. in our green building strategy. 方兴地产一直以此为激励,始终坚持绿色低碳的发展道路,不断在项目中 实践应用,并积极学习探索新的绿色技术和管理模式,借此机会与各位分享。 We take this as a great motivation, and we will continue our low carbon development strategy, and constantly practice in projects. We will continue to explore new green technology and management model, and share with everyone. 2 00:00:00 00:00:00 方兴地产是全球500 强——中国中化集团旗下从事酒店地产业务的旗舰 企业,以“成为受人尊敬的品质地产引领者”为愿景,以 “释放城市未来 生命力”为使命,将领先的绿色建筑理念和先进的绿色低碳技术,不断应 用到我们的产品之中。 Franshion Properties (China) Ltd. is a flagship enterprise of sinochem corp, one of the world’s top 500 , which engaged in hotel and real estate business. “Release the vitality of future cities” is our mission , and advanced ideas of green building and low carbon technologies will be applied to our products constantly. 3 00:00:00 00:00:00 从2000年金茂大厦合同能源管理起到2010年方兴地产正式将绿色战略提升为企业 发展主战略,方兴地产绿色战略经过了从自发、自觉再到有组织有计划的经营的 过程。 From the energy performance contracting of Jin Mao Tower in 2000 to the promotion of the green strategy as the main enterprise strategy in 2010, the green strategy of Franshion Properties (China) Ltd. went through a process from spontaneous, conscious to organized in a planned way. 方兴地产绿色战略


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