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25GHZ 035μM CMOS工艺压控振荡器设计
2.5GHz 0.35um CMOS工艺压控振荡器设计
The frequency generator is absolutely necessarily to most electric systems, especially the kernel of wireless communicating systems. Voltage controlled oscillator is a special oscillator that its frequency is changed by the change of external control voltage, and it is the key part of a frequency generator.
The development of electronic devices and systems is a significant reform of developing of VCO technology. For not only modem wireless systems but also those in future, especially wireless mobile communication systems, the demand of higher efficiency’ less weight, less size, higher performance, more powerful, less power consumption and less costs is improved increasingly and more urgent.
The thesis presents basic principle of VCO rounded circuit design and layout design of the VCO circuit in a high-speed CRC for STM-16 bit-rate (2.488Gb/s) optical communication system.
The thesis analyzes basic principle and structure of VCO. A full intergrated ring VCO is implemented in 0.35fim 2P4M mixed signal CMOS process. The VCO consists of three s啦e cell circuits stages.Each consists gains are adjusted by tail currents. And the tail currents of each consists are controlled by the control voltage through current mirrors to implement the modulation of frequency.The Candence post-simulation results indicate that the main functions of the VCO are implement and primarily meet the task of the design.Measurements show that the voltage-controlled sensitivity is 1.352GHz/V and the operating frequency covers 1.85- 3.03GHz .The phase noise is -85.009dBc/Hz@ 1 MH2.The power consumption is about 15mW of a supply voltage of 3.3V. Protential applications include PLLs and frequency synthesizers.
Clock Recoveiy Circuits(CRC) CMOS Phase-Locked Loop(PLL)
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator(VCO)东南大学学位论文独创性声明
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