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  分析学年论文 分析学年论文 导读: 学 年 论 文 题 系 专 班 学 目 部 业 级 号 客户关系管理系统在企业中的应用 研究 计信系 信息管理与信息系统 信管 1121 110312002 柏小玖 刘星宝 讲师 学生姓名 指导教师 职 称 2014 年 03 月 04 日 客户关系管理系统在企业中的应用研究[内容摘要] 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM) 是一个不断加强与顾客交流,不断了解顾客需求,并不断对产品及服务进行改进和提 高以满足顾客的需求的连续的过程。 其内含是企业利用信息技( IT)术和互联X 技术实现对客户的整合营销, 是以客户为核心的企业营销的技术实现和管理实现。 客户关系管理注重的是与客户的交流,企业的经营是以客户为中心,而不是传统 的以产品或以市场为中心。 为方便与客户的沟通,客户关系管理可以为客户提供 多种交流的渠道。 电信企业要想在竞争中求发展,满足客户个性化需求,就必须 借助 CRM 系统,实现一切“以客户为中心”的企业运营机制。 因此,对客户关 管理在企业中的理论及应用进行研究十分必要。 [关键词] CRM;CRM 软件;CRM 系统;企业供应链管理 [ABSTRACT] Relationship Customer Relationship CRM) is a Management constantly (Customer strengthen Management, munication ers, continuously to understand Customer needs, and to improve the products and services, and continuously improve to meet Customer demand for continuous process. IT contains is the enterprise use of information technology (IT) and Inter technology to realize the integrated marketing to customers, based on customer as the core of enterprise marketing technology and management. Customer relationship management focuses on the munication ers, enterprise management based on customer as the center, instead of the traditional product or take the market as 3 4 5 6 7 8 分析学年论文 导读:tatethemunicationer,customerrelationshipmanagement(CRM)canprovidecustomersunicationchannels.Teleenterprisetobeinthemiddleofthepetitionanddevelopment,meetthecustomers#39;personalizedneeds,must,implementall\;tak the center. In order to facilitate the munication er, customer relationship management (CRM) can provide customers unication channels. Tele enterprise to be in the middle of the petition and development, meet the customers#39; personalized needs, must , implement all \;take the customer as the center\; of the enterprise operating mechanism. Therefore, close to the customer in the enterprise management theory and application research is necessary. [KEY ;CRM soft;Enterprise supply chain management 正文:本文从客户关系管理含义开始说起,讲述了 CRM 在企业中 的重要作用及其存在的问题。 还有其对策来


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