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毕业设计(论文) 题目:某公司员工忠诚度培养研究 某公司员工忠诚度培养研究 摘要 在知识经济的今天,知识已变成最重要的资源,这自然使得拥有知识的人才成为企业之间竞争的焦点。企业之间的竞争归根结底便是人才的竞争。而人才的作用是否最大限度的发挥出来首先取决于人的忠诚。员工的忠诚度可以为企业带来诸多明显的效益,它有助于企业员工的保持率及士气的提高,有助于企业的凝聚力增强,有助于企业的管理成本的降低,更有助于企业文化的形成。所以企业应该拥有一支忠诚的员工队伍作为企业支撑。本文在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,分析了某公司的发展状况,针对员工在忠诚度问题上存在的问题,从社会外部环境,企业本身和个人等多方面、多角度地提出切实可行的建议,为解决员工忠诚度问题提供一定的参考。 关键词:员工忠诚度;培养;研究 TRADE COMPANY EMPLOYEE LOYALTY CULTURE RESEARCH ABSTRACT In todays knowledge economy, knowledge has become the most important resource, which naturally made with knowledge of talents become the focus of competition between the enterprises. The competition between the enterprises in the final analysis is the talent competition. whether the role of talent maximum full play out first depends on the persons loyalty. Employee loyalty can bring many obvious benefits for enterprises, it is helpful to the improvement of enterprise employee retention and morale, help enterprises enhance the cohesion, the help enterprise management cost is reduced, more help to the formation of corporate culture. So enterprises should have a loyal staff as enterprise support. In this paper, on the basis of relevant research results at home and abroad for reference, analyzes the development of trade company, aiming at the existing problem of employees on the question of loyalty, from the social external environment, enterprise itself and individual aspects and angles to put forward the feasible Suggestions, provide some reference for solving the problem of employee loyalty. Keywords: Employee loyalty;cultivate;research 1绪论 1 1.1 选题依据 1 1.2 文献综述 1 1.3 研究的内容和方法 2 2员工忠诚度的相关理论 3 2.1 员工忠诚度的相关概念 3 2.2 员工忠诚度理论概述 3 2.3 现代企业所需的员工忠诚度 4 3某公司概述及员工忠诚度现状分析 5 3.1 某公司概述 5 3.2 某公司的人力资源的流失状况 5 3.3员工忠诚度问卷调查 7 4影响某公司员工忠诚度的相关因素及原因分析 10 4.1 外部的社会因素 10 4.2 企业本身因素 10 4.3 员工个人因素 11 5提高某公司员工忠诚度的策略 13 5.1 合理的员工薪酬激励制度体系、规范公平的绩效管理体系 13 5.2员工职业生涯管理 13 5.3企业文化建设 14 5.4创造良好的工作环境 15 6总结 16 参考文献 17 致谢 18 附录 19 1绪论 1.1 选题依据 进入知识经济时代,知识成为最稀缺的资源,拥有知识的人才也就理所当然地成为企业之间


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