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培训控制程序 1.0 目的(Purpose) 为提高员工素质,以确保并提升产品品质和环境管理,满足公司发展和员工发展需要,创建科技优秀员工队伍。 In order to improve personnel accomplishment so as to ensure and step up product quality and environmental management as well as to meet the development requirements of Company and personnel with an aim to establish an excellent team of scientific and technological personnel. 2.0 范围(Scope) 本规定适于公司全体员工。 This regulation is applicable to all the personnel in the Company. 3.0职责(Responsibilities) 3.1人力资源部: Human Resources Dept.: 3.1.1负责人力资源需求、分析,招聘,人才培养计划,绩效评估,培训需求分析; Responsible for human resources demand, analysis, recruitment, talent cultivation plan, performance assessment and training requirement analysis; 3.1.2负责培训技术体系和运作体系管理; Responsible for the management of training technique system and operation system; 3.1.3协助各部门完成培训需求调查,培训推动,培训效果评估等工作; Assist each department in fulfillment of training demand survey, training facilitation, training effect assessment and so on; 3.1.4帮助各部门经理/主管对培训专业知识和技能的提高。 Help department managers/heads to improve their professional knowledge and skills. 3.2 各部门经理/主管: Department managers / heads: 3.2.1负责本部门员工绩效考核,指导工作改进,职业发展,分析培训需求,指派培训对象,考察评估培训效果。 Responsible for the personnel performance appraisal of the department, direct work improvement and career development, and to analyze training demand, assign trainees as well as survey and assess training effect. 3.3 总经理:负责批准年度培训计划。 General Manager: Responsible for approval of annual training plan. 4.0 定义(Definition) 无Nil 5.0 程序(Procedures) 5.1 培训的内容 Training content: 5.1.1员工知识培训: Personnel knowledge training: 不断实施本专业和相关专业新知识的培训,使员工具备完成本职工作所必须的基本知识和迎接挑战所需的新知识。 Constantly implement new knowledge training of the profession and relevant professions so as to equip personnel with basic understanding needed in the completion of his/her job and new knowledge required to meet the challenge. 质量和EHS体系(包括应急准备与响应要求、安全健康)相关知识和文件内容的培训。 Training concerning relevant knowledge and document content of quality & EHS (Include preparative


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