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小黄人Minions. 小黄人在这个星球上生存得远比我们久远Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have. 他们有很多名字They go by many names. 戴夫 卡尔 保罗 麦克Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike. 噢 这个是诺伯特Oh, that one is Norbert. 他是个傻瓜Hes an idiot. 他们每一个都与众不同 但他们都有相同的目标Theyre all different. But they all share the same goal. 为他们所能找到的最卑鄙的人效力To serve the most despicable master they could find. 老大BOSS! 让他们的主人开心就是他们存活于世的终极意义Making their master happy was the tribes very reason for existence. 但这并不意味着他们对生活没有其他热情But thats not to say that they didn’t have other passions. - 快看 那是香蕉 - 让我过去- Look. Its a banana. - Move over. 这是香蕉 哈哈哈哈Its a banana. Ha-hah-ha. 扭一扭 舔一舔 额Yum yum. Huh? 找到一个主人很容易Finding a Boss was easy. 但要长期跟着这个老板... 有点小问题But keeping a Boss... therein lies the problem 噢哇Whoa! 噢Oh. 我是... 傻瓜 噢I am... oaf. Aw. 不 对他们来说这不太容易Nope, it wasnt easy for these guys. 但他们从不气馁But they never gave up. 随着石器时代新物种陆续出现With the emergence of the stone age came the rise of a new species. 人类可跟恐龙大不一样Man was very different from the dinosaur. 他更矮 更可怕 更聪明He was shorter, hairier and way, way smarter. 小黄人们一直很崇拜这个男人 并尽心尽力服侍他The minions took an instant liking to Man and helped him as best they could. 噢 不 不... 这儿 送你一个礼物Oh, no no... Here. A present. - 这个 - 是的 是的- This? - Yes yes yes. 你可以用这来攻击它For hitting. Ut-ut. 啊噢Aw! 可怜 太轻信他人 太过脆弱 也太过美味Poor man. So trusting, so fragile, so-so delicious. 小黄人们对大老板的追求 使他们在大多历史时刻中走在文明中心及前沿Their quest for a boss put the minions front and center for some of the civilization most historic moments. 古埃及人对他们许下重大诺言Ancient Egypt held great promise. 好的Okay! 但是并没有持续太久But it didnt last long. 嗯 噢Hmm. Oh. 这样 才对Here. Yup. 啊噢Aw! 那段黑暗时代也很有趣The dark ages were actually fun times. 他们的新主人喜欢深夜派对 白天沉睡Their new master had a tendency to party all night and sleep all day. 咳咳 唔呼Ahem. Yoo-hoo. 你们要干啥What are you doing? 噢Oh. 噢 最终派对草草结束Oh, eventually the party is over. 阿呸Achoo. 他们从一个魔鬼主人跳到另一个They bounce from one evil master to another. 但他们好像从没找到最合适的那个But they never seemed to find their perfect fit. 有一个雇主对他们的失职相当不满One particular employer t


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