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I N T E R E S T E L L A R My father was a farmer. Like everybody else at that time. At first he didnt start that way. The computer says youre a little old. - It is controlled. - Crossing the Straits. - Apagando Cooper.- Heeee. - Deleting all. - Hey, do not have to delete anything. Dad? Sorry Murph. Go back to bed love. I thought you were a ghost. Theres no such thing as a ghost. Grandpa says there are. No my love, it is because the grandfather is too close to being one himself. Go back to bed. Were you dreaming about the crash? I beg you to go to the bed murph. We had run out of wheat. Came the plague and had to burn. We still had corn. We acres of corn. Although we had was more dust. I can not describe. It was continuous. That, steady blow of dust. We had pieces of linen ... ... To cover our nose and mouth. And so I do not inhale too. When we put the table whenever we put the dishes upside down. Glasses, cups, we put everything upside down. Hurry up. Murphs getting late. You and me in the barn. Ill teach ... Yes sir. In the table no Murph! Daddy, can you fix this? What did you do to my module? Nothing It was the ghost. Is not that true? Ive pulled on my shelf. Never to take books. There are no ghosts. Hey. I looked it up, and its called poltergeist. Papa, yes dile. Well, thats not very scientific Murph. You said that science was to admit we do not know. Do you already won? Hey, better watch our stuff. Coop. Ok. Murph, if you want to talk about science. Do not tell me youre afraid of a ghost. We must go further. You have to record the facts, analyze ... ... Get to the how, why and then exposing your conclusions. OK? Deal. Very well. Who do well in school. Wait. Mentoring is the father, not the grandfather. Quiet Turbo. Thats not a dust storm. Nelson is burning all their crops. Is the plague? They say there will never be another crop of okra. Never. I should have planted corn as we have done all. Be nice to Hanley teacher. He is single. And what do you want me to do?


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