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题 目 盐城凤凰国际书城 基坑支护设计 交通学院 院(系) 城市地下空间工程 专业 学 号 学生姓名 陈 隆 指导教师 李仁民 童立元 起止日期 2013.3——2013.6 设计地点 交通学院8楼 岩土工程设计所 DEEP SUPPORT SYSTEMS OF YANCHENG PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL BOOKSTORE A Dissertation Submitted to Southeast University For the Academic Degree of Bachelor of Engineering By Chen Long Supervised by Dr. Li Renmin and Tong Liyuan School of Transportation Southeast University June, 2013 摘 要 近年来,高层超高层建筑逐渐增多,基坑也就向着大规模、大深度方向发展。在新的时代背景下,基坑建设对其环保性,经济性和安全性又有了更高的要求。 本文以江苏盐城凤凰国际书城基坑项目为例,介绍了基坑从开挖到设计计算及稳定性验算等过程。此项目位于盐城市世纪大道与解放南路交界处,地下室二层,开挖深度11米,中间立体车库部位13.6米,面积约29900m2,周长约为751m。该类型基坑一般 采用排桩加止水帷幕加两道内支撑方案,该方案比较成熟,缺点是造价高,支撑需要养护,施工周期长,挖土比较麻烦,支护后面还需要拆除,因此,设计采用双排灌注桩加连梁再加一道内支撑体系以增加基坑的安全性。该方案继承了双排桩的受力和变形特点,在基坑内一侧设置一道内支撑,可以进一步提高双排桩体系的抵抗变形能力,使得双排桩体系能够应用于开挖深度更大的基坑工程。 关键词:深基坑,基坑支护,双排灌注桩,内支撑 ABSTRACT In recent years, the high-rise building gradually increased. Foundation pit is larger, deeper. Under the background of new era, the requirements of the construction of foundation pit for its environmental protection, safety and economy is higher. This paper takes Jiangsu Yancheng Phoenix International Book City Foundation Pit Project as an example, and introduces the foundation pit from excavation to design calculation and stability checking. This project is located at the junction of Yancheng City Century Avenue and the liberation of South Road, has two basement layer and excavation depth of 11 meters. The middle of stereo garage site is 13.6 meters, and the area is about 29900m2, the length is about 751m. This type of foundation takes with piles waterproof curtain and two inner supporting system. This scheme is more mature. The Disadvantage is the high cost of maintenance, supporting construction cycle is long, digging trouble, support construction which also needs to be removed. Therefore, the design adopts the double-row piles , beams


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