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办公楼室内环境品质控制与优化   摘要:室内办公环境品质直接影响办公室中人员的工作效率和健康,需要进行有效地控制和优化,以保证其舒适性、低能耗和健康的要求。以某办公室为对象,研究了室内环境品质各参数和控制量之间的关系,建立了室内环境品质双线性模型。利用实验数据进行了模型验证,结果表明:模型输出能较好拟合实际情况;并基于模型预测方法进行室内环境品质控制,通过夏季工况仿真实验证明了提出方法比传统控制方式具有更小的稳态误差和较小的超调性,且更加节能。   关键词:室内环境品质;最小二乘辨识;预测控制;办公室   中图分类号:TU111.19文献标志码:A文章编号2017   收稿日期   基金项目:国家自然科学基金;陕西省科技计划国际合作项目(2014KW17);教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2014]1685号)   作者?介:孙光(1991),男,主要从事室内环境品质控制研究,(Email)sunguang8569@。   Received   Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.; International Cooperation Project of Shaanxi Province Science and Technology Plan (No. 2014KW17); Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education (Teaching Outside the Secretany of Stay [2014]No. 1685)   Author brief:Sun Guang (1991 ), main research interest:indoor environment quality control, (Email) sunguang8569@.Control and optimization of indoor environmental quality in an office building   Sun Guang, Yu Junqi, Zhao Anjun   (School of Information and Control Engineering, Xian University of Architecture Technilogy, Xian 710055, P. R. China)   Abstract:The indoor environment quality of office is closely related with the work efficiency and the health of the staff . It’s important to take effective control and optimization measures to ensure the comfort, low energy consumption and health requirements of the office. The relationship between the indoor environment parameters and control variables is studied by using an office as a case. And the bilinear model of the indoor environment quality is established. The results showed that the model output can better fit the actual situation by using the experimental data verification. Meanwhile, based on the predictive control, using the working condition of the summer simulation experiments, it shows the method has a smaller steadystate error and small super tonality, and is more energy efficient than the tradition



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