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Stocker, Michael , Guttag Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy, Syracuse University, New York; Reader in Philosophy , La Trobe University, Melbourne Plural and Conflicting Values Print ISBN 0198240554, 1992 Summary Table of Contents ? ? Introduction 1 PART I: ? CONFLICT 1. ? Dirty Hands and Ordinary Life 9 2. ? Moral Immorality 37 3. ? Dirty Hands and Conflicts of Values and of Desires in Aristotles Ethics 51 4. ? Moral Conflicts: What They Are and What They Show 85 PART II: ? PLURALITY AND JUDGEMENT 5. ? Courage, the Doctrine of the Mean, and the Possibility of Evaluative and Emotional Coherence 129 6. ? Plurality and Choice 165 PART III: ? PLURALITY AND CONFLICT 7. ? Akrasia: The Unity of the Good, Commensurability, and Comparability 211 8. ? Monism, Pluralism, and Conflict 241 PART IV: ? MAXIMIZATION 9. ? Maximization: Some Conceptual Problems 281 10. ? Maximization: Some Evaluative Problems 310 ? Bibliography 343 ? Indexes 351 end p.ix Introduction ?show chapter abstract and keywords ?hide chapter abstract and keywords Michael Stocker Neither plural values nor conflicting values can be understood without understanding the other. And to understand ethics, we must understand both. They raise obvious and pressing problems in social and political theory. They also raise important problems within one person or one ethical theory—the locus of this work. Not surprisingly, then, they have received a considerable amount of attention recently—an amount of attention they fully deserve. So, I welcome the fact that they are now being studied. But I do not welcome many of the things claimed of them. Here are three representative assertions made about them recently: Plurality and conflict depend on and show a fragmentation of value and the disparate traditions that help make up our evaluative world and sensibility. A choice between plural values involves a conflict of values. Conflict requires plurality. Sometimes concluded from th



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