unit8 Is there a post office near here 全英文说课稿.doc

unit8 Is there a post office near here 全英文说课稿.doc

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unit8 Is there a post office near here 全英文说课稿

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A (1a-2c) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A (1a-2c) Good morning, everyone one! It’s my great honor to stand here and talk about my teaching idea. My topic today is Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? And I’ll talk about it from the following parts: the analysis of teaching material、the analysis of students、the teaching and learning method、the teaching procedures and the blackboard design. Now, please allow me to show you the first part—The analysis of teaching material. Part 1 The analysis of teaching material Status and functions This lesson is from the second book of GO FOR IT for Grade 7.It is the first period of this unit. This textbook is designed to cultivate students’ overall abilities including linguistic, culture and social ones. And it is also designed with the aim of making Ss use English to exchange ideas, fulfill certain tasks and solve practical problems. This topic is about how to ask and give directions on the street. Students will be certainly interested in it because it is closed to their daily life. Now I’ll talk about the teaching aims and demands in this lesson. Teaching aims and demands According to the new curriculum standard, teaching aims are composed of three aspects: Knowledge aims, Ability aims and Emotion aims. Knowledge aims: 1. Ask Ss to learn the words of different buildings. Such as, post office, bank, supermarket, hotel, restaurant, cinema, etc. 2. Ask Ss to learn the prepositions of places: next to, across from, between, near, behind, in front of…etc. 3. Ask Ss to learn the sentence pattern: Is there a/an…? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Where is…? It’s + prepositional phrases. Ability aims: 1. To help Ss talk about the places and locations with the target language. 2. To enable students to ask and give directions using the sentence pattern. Emotion aims: 1. To help Ss increase their ability of communication, cooperation and exploration by expr


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