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汉字的结构 the structure of the Chinese character The structure unite of the Chinese character 汉字的结构单位 The order of strokes of character 汉字的笔顺 The formation of character 汉字的造字法 1、The structure unite of the Chinese character (汉字的结构单位) There are three aspects to the structure of a Chinese character: the strokes, the components and the whole character.For example, the character “木” consists of the strokes "—","丨","丿","乀 ". It is a basic character and is also used as a component for some other characters.For example,“林”consists of two "木" characters. The components are the core structure of a Chinese character. Chinese characters can be divided into character-parts and non-character-parts. For example, "院" can be divided into the following three parts:"阝","宀","元" of which "元" is a character-part, while "阝" and "宀" are the non-character-parts. The key to learning Chinese characters well is to master their components. Chinese characters are written by combining various kinds of "strokes". These strokes can be divided into "basic" strokes and "combined" strokes. Structurally speaking, Chinese characters fall into categories: the single-component characters and the multi-component characters. All of the basic Chinese characters are simple-component characters, such as"人","口","目","山","火","手","刀","马","牛", "日","月","羊" . The multi-component characters consist or more components, such as "爸","妈","你","们","朋". The order of writing components in a character is similar to the stroke order of writing a character. There are three basic types of configuration for multi-component characters. The basic rule of Chinese characters stroke order is: 2、The order of strokes of character (汉字的笔顺) 3、The formation of character (汉字的造字法) The formation of character refers to the method to create the Chinese characters. Generally speaking, Ancient Chinese method of creation there are four categories: pictographs(shape), self-explanatory(mean), semasiography(knowing), and


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