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中央美术学院2016届硕⼠学位论⽂ 论⽂题⽬:叙事体 —— 图像模件在图像叙事中的运⽤ 作 者:李⾬祗 研究⽅向:现代铜版语⾔研究 摘 要 “ 图像模件” 的使⽤是从我艺术实践中发展出来的⼀种创作⽅法。本⽂将感性 经验与理性讨论相结合,分析了图像模件在叙事中的运⽤。 本⽂分为三个部分。第⼀部分,通过对⽐分析的⼿法,将图像模件与《万 物》⼀书中的模件概念在形式和功能上进⾏⽐较,阐述了图像模件的定义。第 ⼆部分,从图像模件的图像性和模件性两个⽅⾯分析了图像模件叙事的特征。 第三部分,探讨了作为模件之⼀的格⼦在图像叙事结构中的作⽤,图像模件使 ⽤规则的变化也必导致叙事逻辑结构的变化。这三个⽅⾯的理性梳理和分析旨 在为创作找到合理的理论⽀撑,同时为创作实践的进⼀步发展理清源头。由于 本⽂所探讨的内容与实践基本同步,⽽实践又是⼀个动态的发展过程,故⽂中 的⼀些观点并不是某种固定的结论,可能会随着实践的发展不断完善。 关键词:图像模件叙事 ABSTRACT “Image module ”is used a creative method developed from out of my artistic practice. This article will discuss the emotional experience and rational combination of image analysis module in the Narrative in. 1 This paper is divided into three parts. The first part, through comparative analysis of the way the image module and the things modular concept in a book form and function compared to explain the definition of the image module. The second part of the image from the image module and the module analyzes the image of two modules narrative feature. The third part discusses the lattice mold as one piece in the narrative structure of the image, use the rule-change image module will also lead to changes in the structure of the narrative logic. Carding and rational analysis of these three aspects aimed at finding a reasonable theoretical support for the creation, as well as the further development of creative practice to sort out the source. Because the content and practices discussed in this article basic synchronization, but practice is a dynamic process of development, so the text of some of the points are not fixed some of the conclusions that may develop with the practice of continuous improvement. Key words: Image Module Narrative 2 ⽬录 版权声明2 学术规范声明3 学位论⽂电⼦⽹络出版授权使⽤授权声明4


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