变速控制力矩陀螺的飞轮参数与构型倾侧角优化设计 optimization design of flywheel parameters and configuration skew angle for variable speed control moment gyros.pdfVIP

变速控制力矩陀螺的飞轮参数与构型倾侧角优化设计 optimization design of flywheel parameters and configuration skew angle for variable speed control moment gyros.pdf

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变速控制力矩陀螺的飞轮参数与构型倾侧角优化设计 optimization design of flywheel parameters and configuration skew angle for variable speed control moment gyros

绗?1 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2016 骞 6 鏈 Vol. 31 No. 6 Control and Decision Jun. 2016 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2016) 06-0976-07 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2015.0454 鍙橀€熸帶鍒跺姏鐭╅檧铻虹殑椋炶疆鍙傛暟涓庢瀯鍨嬪€句晶瑙掍紭鍖栬璁 鍒 閿? 璧 杈? 濮 閮 (鍝堝皵婊ㄥ伐涓氬ぇ瀛﹁埅澶╁闄㈡帶鍒朵笌浠跨湡涓績锛屽搱灏旀花150086) 鎽 瑕? 涓轰簡鍦ㄤ繚璇佸Э鎺у拰鍌ㄨ兘鍔熻兘鏉′欢涓嬭璁″嚭鍙橀€熸帶鍒跺姏鐭╅檧铻?VSCMG) 绨囧弬鏁? 鍦ㄥ凡鏈夊姩閲忓寘缁滃垎鏋愮殑 鍩虹涔嬩笂, 缁欏嚭浜嗚€冭檻椋炶疆璋冮€熻寖鍥村瓨鍦ㄤ笂闄愬拰涓嬮檺绾︽潫鏉′欢涓嬬殑鍔ㄩ噺鍖呯粶绌洪棿鍜屽偍鑳界壒鎬у垎鏋? 鎻愬嚭浜哣SCMG 绨囩殑椋炶疆鍙傛暟鍜屾瀯鍨嬪€句晶瑙掔殑浼樺寲璁捐鏂规硶. 灏哣SCMG 绨囩殑鍙傛暟浼樺寲璁捐闂鎻忚堪涓洪潪绾挎€с€佸绾︽潫銆佸己鑰﹀悎鐨 鍗曠洰鏍囬潤鎬佷紭鍖栭棶棰? 閲囩敤搴忓垪浜屾瑙勫垝绠楁硶姹傝В浼樺寲闂, 鑾峰緱浼樺寲鐨勫崟鍏冨弬鏁? 骞惰绠楀嚭鍔ㄩ噺鍖呯粶闈? 楠岃瘉浜嗘墍 鎻愬嚭浼樺寲鏂规硶鐨勬湁鏁堟€? 鍏抽敭璇岤 鍙橀€熸帶鍒跺姏鐭╅檧铻猴紱鍔ㄩ噺鍖呯粶鐗规€у垎鏋愶紱鍌ㄨ兘瀹归噺锛涙瀯鍨嬪€句晶瑙掞紱椋炶疆鍔ㄩ噺鍙傛暟锛涗紭鍖栬璁 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 V448.22+2 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A Optimization design of 铿倅wheel parameters and con铿乬uration skew angle for variable speed control moment gyros LIU Feng, ZHAO Hui, YAO Yu (Control and Simulation Center锛孲chool of Astronautics锛孒arbin Institute of Technology 锛孒arbin 150086 锛孋hina. Correspondent 锛歀IU Feng 锛孍-mail 锛歽cxh101 cc@126.com) Abstract: Based on the existing results of the momentum envelop for the variable speed control moment gyroscope(VSCMG) cluster, in order to design parameters for the multifunction of attitude control and energy storage, the speci铿乧ity analysis of the momentum envelop and energy storage under the condition of upper speed limit and lower speed limit of 铿倅wheel is 铿乺stly proposed. The optimal method of 铿倅wheel parameters and skew angle of pyramid con铿乬uration is cast as the nonlinear, multi-constrains, and strong coupling single objection optimal problem. The sequential quadratic program method is applied to solve the problem of optimal parameters. Finally, the momentum envelop, based on op



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