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第37 卷 第4 期 中国腐蚀与防护学报 Vol. 37 No. 4
2017 年8 月 Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection Aug. 2017
1,2 2 2 3
寇 杰 张新策 崔 淦 杨宝安
1 中国石油大学(华东) 山东省油气储运安全省级重点实验室青岛市环海油气储运技术重点实验室
青岛 266580
2 中国石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院 青岛 266580
3 中国石油化工股份有限公司 天然气榆济管道分公司 济南 250000
摘要 总结了近几十年储罐底板阴极保护电流密度及电位分布的研究发展现状,阐述并探讨了储罐底板解析
关键词 储罐底板 解析法 数值方法 边界条件 联合使用 阴极保护
中图分类号 TG 174.41 文章编号 1005-4537(2017)04-0305-10
Research Progress on Cathodic Protection Potential
Distribution of Tank Bottom Plate
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KOU Jie , ZHANG Xince , CUI Gan , YANG Baoan
1 Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil Gas Storage and Transportation Safety, Qingdao Key Laboratory
of Circle Sea Oil Gas Storage and Transportation Technology, China Univeristy of Petroleum,
Qingdao 266580, China
2 College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China
3 China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Yulin to Jinan Gas Pipeline Subsidiary, Jinan 250000, China
Correspondent: KOU Jie, E-mail: chuyunk@126.com
Manuscript received 2016-06-20, in revised form 2016-09-02
ABSTRACT Cathodic protection is an important method to prevent the corrosion of tank bottom plate.
In this article,the research st