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* Chemistry Department of Fudan University * * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * Problem: What is the degree of the degeneracy if the three quantum numbers of a three-dimensional box have the values 1, 2 and 3? Calculate the lowest possible energy for an electron confined in a cube of sides equal to a) 10pm and b)10-15m. The latter cube is the order of the magnitude of an atomic nucleus; what do you conclude from the energy you calculate about the probability of a free electron being present in a nucleus? * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * Problem: Prove that any two wave functions for a particle in a one-dimensional box are orthogonal to each other. The vibration frequency of the N2 molecule corresponds a wave number of 2360cm-1. Calculate the zero-point energy and the energy corresponding to v=1. * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * The Rigid Rotor r=constant * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * Separate variable * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * or Normalize * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * Legendre equation * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * Legendre polynomial * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * or Energy Spherical function Wavefunction Angular momentum Spherical Harmonic * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * * Chemistry Department of Fudan University * * * * 注意:角动量量子化以后解薛定谔方程的结果不同 * F=ma=mv2/r * 菲涅耳是法国物理学家和铁路工程师。 1788年5月10日生于布罗利耶,1806年毕业于巴黎工艺学院,1809年又毕业于巴黎桥梁与公路学校。1823年当选为法国科学院院士,1825年被选为英国皇家学会会员。1827年7月14日因肺病医治无效而逝世,终年仅39岁。   菲涅耳的科学成就主要有两个方面。一是衍射。他以惠更斯原理和干涉原理为基础,用新的定量形式建立了惠更斯--菲涅耳原理,完善了光的衍射理论。他的实验具有很强的直观性、明锐性,很多现仍通行的实验和光学元件都冠有菲涅耳的姓氏,如:双面镜干涉、波带片、菲涅耳透镜、圆孔衍射等。另一成就是偏振。他与D.F.J.阿拉果一起研究了偏振光的干涉,确定了光是横波(1821);他发现了光的圆偏振和椭圆偏振现象(1823),用波动说解释了偏振面的旋转;他推出了反射定律和折射定律的定量规律,即菲涅耳公式;解释了马吕斯的反射光偏振现象和双折射现象,奠定了晶体光学的基础。   菲涅耳由于在物理光学研究中的重大成就,被誉为“物理光学的缔造者”。 * 电子 * 量子力学在生物学方面的应用则开端于薛定谔关于生物遗传的持 久性来源于基因是非周期性晶体的猜测(1943


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