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中国环境科学 2009,29(11) :1121~1127 China Environmental Science 基于 AERMOD 模式的大气扩散参数方案比较研究 夏思佳,王勤耕* (南京大学环境学院,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210093) 摘要:在美国法规空气质量模式 AERMOD 的框架下, 比较了 4 种已被广泛应用的扩散参数化方案(基于边界层微气象要素的 AERMOD 湍 流参数化方案,基于湍流观测资料和扩散函数的 Tub-Obs 方案,Briggs 参数化方案,NEPA 方案).分析了不同稳定度、不同扩散参数方案下的 污染物 SO 地表浓度差别.总体来说,在中性和不稳定条件下,4 种方案模拟结果的差别不大;在稳定条件下, AERMOD 方案的地面浓度明显 2 低于 Briggs 和 NEPA 方案,可能是由于 AERMOD 方案不能很好地识别局地湍流的贡献. 关键词:扩散参数方案;空气质量模式;环境影响评价;AERMOD 模式;SO2 中图分类号:X169 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2009)11-1121-07 Comparison of different schemes for diffusion parameterization based on AERMOD. XIA Si-jia, WANG Qin-geng * (State Key Laboratory of Pollution and Control Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China). China Environmental Science, 2009(11):1121~1127 Abstract :Based on framework of the US EPA regulatory air quality model (AERMOD), comparisons were conducted for four widely-used diffusion parameterization schemes, one based on micro-meteorological elements (AERMOD scheme), one based on turbulence observation (Tub-Obs scheme), one based on the Briggs′ formulae (Briggs scheme), and one adopted in the Chinese EPA guidelines (NEPA scheme). Difference in the surface concentration of air pollutant simulated under different atmospheric stability with the four schemes, respectively, was analyzed. In general, under unstable and neutral conditions, differences from the four schemes are relatively small. However, under stable condition, the AERMOD scheme tends to overestimate the concentrations compared with the Briggs and NEPA schemes. This is possibly because the AERMOD scheme cannot sufficiently recognize the contribution of local turbulence. Key words :diffusion parameterization ;air quality model ;environmental impact assessment ;AERMOD ;SO2 空气质量模式的模拟结果不仅取决于模式


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